Name: Hasan Salim Mohammed Ghraib

Marital status: Married with 7 children

Born in Najran on 1/7/1386 ~ 19/10/1966

1410-1411 -1990: BS Civil Engineering

Received numerous training courses in various fields including projects management and quantitative engineering.

Administrative Experiences:

1. Director of projects of the general security department in the Najran province on 29/5/1991 to 30/4/2006
2. Worked at the national general security projects department from 30/4/2006 to 17/3/2009
3. Currently: director of the projects department at Najran university.

Work Skills:

· Capacity to manage large projects
· Cost effective and efficient projects management
· Appropriate decision-making skills
· Ability to solve problematic situations
· Personal managerial skills
· Negotiation skills
· Ability to examine and projects budgets and costs


Phone# 0556663166